Setting Overview

Mythic Sherwood is not just the Sherwood of legend - it exists in a primeval version of our world, where powerful magic has made it a very different place.

Set aside what you know of our history.

These adventures take place not in England, but in fantastical version of Albion populated by the Britons. There is not one Monarch, there are several and they struggle for primacy.
In Albion there is no Christianity. Most Britons serve Dain, the Lord of Light.

There is a Crusade but it is against orcs and this faraway war is as terrible and brutal as our own. Some have turned from Dain’s service because they refuse to see orcs as evil and believe slaughtering them to secure control of sacred sites is wrong.

Those who turn from Dain return to worship of a pantheon of ancient gods similar to those of the Celtic mythos.

The Britons of Albion are humans but there are nonhumans such as Halfling farmers work the land. There are Scottish dwarves and French elves. Sherwood itself is home to many fey folk including gnomes and goblins.

Magic is everywhere. There are Wizards and Sorcerers who can cast powerful spells and Warlocks who have made pacts with for power. There are Clerics and Paladins of Dain or the Pantheon and Druids who serve the primal spirits of nature. Most heroes have access to some form of spell craft.

Where there is magic - there are monsters. For the most part, these are traditional foes such as giants, gryphons, hippogryphs and dragons. This Albion is a dangerous place beset by wars, bandits, ancient curses and rampaging terrors.

The Goodfellow

This is a Sherwood before Robin Hood and his Merry Band. There is still injustice and there are others who have risen up to resist. The leaders of these fellowships are all known as Goodfellow and all wear the hood.

Mythic Sherwood adventures take place in Nottinghamshire and involve protecting its people. Every party will have a Goodfellow, who has been recruited by one of the Horned Druids of Sherwood to wear the Hood.

Wearing the Hood is both a blessing and a curse. It has power bestowed by the Druids but the Goodfellow becomes a target. Heed well the warnings and wisdom of the Horned One and choose your Goodfellow well.